Saturday, 3rd November 2018
Venue: Oaktree Arena, Bristol Road, Highbridge, Somerset, TA94HA.
Cost: £25pp to include buffet lunch and refreshments.
The UK is likely to face a period of considerable change over the next few years, possibly as great as that seen during the industrial revolution. Change is occurring because of Brexit, High Tech Industries and the move away from fossil fuels. In cities there appears to be change occurring for different reasons and we need to consider how we respond to it. We are going to need to start exporting more than we do now. Tech Industries have the potential to change how we do many things and probably also change our culture. We need to develop and nurture or new industries. There is a great a concentration on Brexit but the reality is that the challenges are across a wider spectrum and the opportunities equally so. These three drivers of change are interlinked. Are we prepared for the change that is coming.
9.15 Registration
10.15 George Freeman MP, Chair of the national CPF Introduction describing the scale of change the role of the CPF and ideas for the future including blue sky ones to stimulate thought 10.50 James Heappey MP, Smarter, Cleaner, Cheaper. Encouraging disruption in the energy market
11.25 Tea/coffee
11.50 Kate Doodson. CEO Cosmic, High Tech Industries
12.25 Rt Hon Claire Perry Minister of State for energy and Clean growth Industrial Strategy
1pm Lunch
2pm Lance Austin. The role of finance in a changing UK and in the South West
2.30 Professor Michael Thrasher Plymouth University Issues important to city residents
3pm Tea/coffee
3.20 Councillors from Bristol, Poole, Exeter and Plymouth each describe one change in policy or law that they believe would appeal to City residents
4.10 Panel of above councillors answering questions from the floor and discussing how we respond to the changing needs of cities and their residents
5pm Close
Last year we had a waiting list as we sold out of tickets. It was an extremely successful conference. Again this year we are giving the CPF groups the opportunity to apply first but in two weeks the conference will be open to all South West Conservative members. The price of a ticket is £25 which includes lunch and tea and coffee during the day. The Oaktree Arena is just off the M5 at the Burnham at Sea exit just below Bristol. We are covering some interesting subjects and have excellent speakers. Whilst for most of the day we will be listening to people telling us of their visions for the future at the end of the day, having listened to what the polls suggest are important issues in Cities we ourselves discuss possible ideas for solutions
Please apply to Janet Parrot using the details on the booking form below.